Fluke 9010 accessories...

From: John Robertson <jrr_at_flippers.com>
Date: Mon Dec 20 1999 - 02:56:38 EST

<x-flowed>I just got in my second Fluke 9010A (ver 3 software), and packed with it
was some interesting extension sockets. These have some prototyping area on
a circuit board on the bottom, and it will plug in-between the UUT CPU
socket and the pod plug. Part number 9000A 7201. Fair enough, looks useful
for probing, BUT also included was one of these extension plug/sockets with
a circuit built in (factory) with an identification of "CKT 1 REV D",
and on the top side of the circuit board a couple of ICs ICM72091PA, and
74H00 with the identification of "CKT 2 ASSY 612127". Looks like it
might be some sort of reset board. Anyone know for sure? Let's see, pin 20
is ground, pin 40 looks like it is 5VDC, there is what looks like a
transistor seems to turn on the Vcc to the power to the 74H00...hmmm...AND
there are three jumper plugs. All in the space one CPU wide by about three
CPU's high. (8 bit CPUs)

John :-#)#

  John's Jukes Ltd. 2343 Main St., Vancouver, BC, Canada V5T 3C9
  Call (604)872-5757 or Fax 872-2010 (Pinballs, Jukes, Video Games)
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Received on Sun Dec 19 23:59:26 1999

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