Further research: Does anyone have a later manual than "29A Universal Programmer 990-0029 Rev E May 1982"? Al has that version on Spies, but I was hoping a later version might cover other items, such as the Unipak 2B memory expansion module, and the 128K expansion, plus better troubleshooting for the serial port.<br>
Currently I have just tried the CODE 10 with PromLin 3.10 in CODE 10, and it seems to store in raw binary! BUT when I try to upload the same file back to the 29B I get "Error #46 I/O Timeout", which looks suspiciously like the error I get running PromLink 6.10 (I/O error). Soooo why would I be able to communicate to the computer and be able to SAVE a file, but trying to send the SAME file back, get a timeout error? Is it Miller Time already???<br>
John :-#(#<br>
At 08:44 AM 3/17/2000 -0500, Fish, David wrote:<br>
<blockquote type=cite cite>> <x-tab> </x-tab>[Ranger Mike] <br>
> <x-tab> </x-tab>I use 3.10, with code 10, and have not had one bit of <br>
> trouble. Of<br>
> course, being a computer old timer, I still think 9600 baud <br>
> is pretty quick,<br>
> and am happy to use it (the baud rate which I am happy using a VT320<br>
> connected to a vms box).<br>
This is probably the cause of my problems. It's been years since<br>
I used the older (pre-version 6) Promlink and don't have access<br>
to it anymore. Did someone have it available on thier website?<br>
The problem with the RAW BINARY code 16 is that my 29B will not<br>
recognize it. The firmware in mine is version 6, the EPROMs are<br>
numbered 315-14-49 thru 315-14-55. I haven't tried Alex's<br>
version 5 EPROMs yet. I'm hoping that it doesn't require a PAL<br>
change to swap versions, DATA I/O use to be famous for this.<br>
> <x-tab> </x-tab>[Ranger Mike] <br>
> <x-tab> </x-tab>I tried using the 6.10 version, and get the hanging <br>
> problem as well.<br>
> With 3.10, I use net rom binaries, and have no problems at all.<br>
Mike, what the version number of your firmware in the 29B?<br>
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Received on Fri Mar 17 22:08:33 2000
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