Tektronix 1241 Logic Analyzer

From: Matt Rossiter - Verio Southern California <matt_at_veriosc.com>
Date: Fri Mar 17 2000 - 22:36:38 EST

Well, I just got one of these the other day and don't have much experience
or knowlege in using one, but I thought, what the heck - I'll
learn. Sometimes test equipment is just as much fun to play with as Video

I got a tektronix book which describes the basics of Using the Logic
Analyzer and have read through about half of it already.

So far I've got the basic idea of what it does, but maybe someone could
help me in my learning process. I have the base unit, one 1240D1 card,
three 1240D2 cards, and one P6460 data acquisition probe and a bunch of

What kind of useful tests or analysis can I do on an old microprocessor
board (such as a game board of course) and what additional accessories
would I need?

What would be the best way to put this to the best use?

Just simple questions I know, but I'm almost starting from scratch. I do
have a basic understanding of TTL and Microprocessors.

Thanks for any input....


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Received on Fri Mar 17 22:09:31 2000

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