Re: Fluke - CRC's revisited

From: John Robertson <>
Date: Thu Dec 27 2001 - 16:13:37 EST

You aren't talking about the diagram on page 8-11 of the Service Manual are
you? That is the signature generator for the probe. As far as I can figure
out the signature is generated in the pod software.

The Algorithm is the HP signature one, X(16) + X(12) + X(9) + X(7) + X as I
recall. This is the algorithm generated on page 8-11.

I have a friend who is trying to create a lookup table algorithm or a way
of reverse engineering the data to either generate a signature or checksum
from the data or a file on a hard drive (to generate sigs for referral).
The data can be read a byte at a time from the pod and added in the base
unit, but I don't have the knowledge to do the job at it as I have not
found the help file for the Fluke Algorithm program. There are some
commands that are not explained, and there should be a way of massaging the
data with the base unit...

Anyone find some more tapes that they can send in for the group? Any text
on using the rksic.exe program?

John :-#)#

At 03:01 PM 12/27/01 -0500, you wrote:
>well, with the help of a hardware friend, I think we may have discovered why
>the code for the flukes checksum cannot be discovered easily - it's done
>using hardware!
>In the circuit are some NOR gates connected together, these are the feedback
>for the hardware CRC. We (for this read 'Phillip - the hardware' guy!) can
>work out what the algorithm is, and hopefully let everyone else share in
>this information.

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