If you are looking for shorts, then try and find a "Cheap
Squeak" This device generates a tone that changes in pitch the
closer to the two probes are together. So, let's say you have a node
shorted to ground on a data line that has a dozen gates connected to it.
Put one probe of the CS to ground and the other to the beginning of the
data line. You shall hear a high pitched squeal, now move the probe down
the line and the pitch will climb the closer to common/ground you get and
then the pitch will start to drop as you pass the gate that is shorted.
Back and forth a couple of times and you can find a short in a couple of
minutes. This also works for traces that are shorted together or to
I don't have any spares.<br><br>
They are cool. Part of my favourite tools along with my logic comparator,
scope, Heathkit Logic Probe (the best in my opinion! and I have HP, and
other logic probes in my shop), and a logic state indicator (for slow
logic like switch gates etc, it's a clone of the HP Logic Clip but does
analog as well as digital devices) I can't recall the manufacturer but I
picked my second CS on eBay as part of a Logic Test Set. <br><br>
There is a HP current tracer on eBay:
<a href="http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=1716244745" eudora="autourl">http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=1716244745</a><br><br>
John :-#)#<br><br>
At 04:23 PM 24/03/2002 -0500, Kev wrote:<br>
<blockquote type=cite class=cite cite><font size=2>I've heard about the
HP547 are there any others?</font><br>
<font size=2>Any better/worse than the HP547 for arcade board
<font size=2>Anyone have any to sell?</font><br>
<font size=2>Thanks,</font><br>
<font size=2>Kev</font><br>
<font size=2><a href="mailto:mowerman@erols.com">mowerman@erols.com</a></font><br>
Received on Sun Mar 24 19:43:57 2002
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