Pole Position Fluke info?

From: Kev <KKlopp_at_erols.com>
Date: Tue Apr 02 2002 - 09:17:51 EST

Anyone dive into using the Fluke on Pole Position yet?

For Pole Position 2 from the Z80

I've got


7H = E1D6
7F = B5F0


3000-37FF (Battery Backed)
8000-83BF 7J/7K 2149s note 83c0-83ff is for sound.

What are the other areas that come up as RAM?

Ex 4000-407f, 4100-417F etc?

Anyone tackle a device to read ROM/RAM from the Z8002 sockets yet?

Received on Tue Apr 02 06:44:38 2002

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