Well, I was working on the code for the 9010 and came up with an idea, why not log what happens with a single read. So now I'm getting info on the memory locations. for example it turns out that the display uses memory locations: F577h to F596h (32 characters):<br><br>
<font size=4>Fluke 9010A Memory locations for various functions.<br><br>
U21 Display Ram DATA<br>
85A4h F577h 1st position for display R (52)<br>
85A5h F578h 2nd position display E (45)<br>
85A6h F579h 3rd<x-tab> </x-tab><x-tab> </x-tab> A (41)<br>
85A7h F57Ah 4th<x-tab> </x-tab><x-tab> </x-tab> D (44)<br>
85A8h F57Bh 5th<x-tab> </x-tab><x-tab> </x-tab> (space - 20)<br>
85A9h F57Ch 6th<x-tab> </x-tab><x-tab> </x-tab> @ (40)<br>
85AAh F57Dh 7th<x-tab> </x-tab><x-tab> </x-tab> (space - 20)<br>
The data byte (location of read) is now read from U21 starting at 8623h<br>
in reverse order.<br><br>
I'll get more out as I figure it out...it seems that locations F345h and F346h are the Signature data locations...(thanks David F)<br><br>
FF95h - Position pointer for display (incremented by 1 for every character added above)<br><br>
This is the wait cycle of the 9010 when nothing is happening:<br><br>
</font><font face="Courier New, Courier" size=4>STATE PC DISASSEMBLY BUS ACTIVITY <br>
(start or at least what I call the start - it's an endless loop...) <br>
00489 76D0 JR Z,7707-$ <br>
00491 7707 LD C,00 <br>
00493 7709 JP BE84 <br>
00496 BE84 LD IX,SP <br>
00498 BE86 POP IX FF53>60 FF54>FF <br>
00502 BE88 POP HL FF55>B0 FF56>73 <br>
00505 BE89 POP AF FF57>52 FF58>73 <br>
00508 BE8A JP (HL) <br>
00509 73B0 LD A,C <br>
00510 73B1 OR A <br>
00511 73B2 JR NZ,73E5-$ <br>
00513 73B4 JR 73AA-$ <br>
00515 73AA LD L,(IX+04) FF64>52 <br>
00519 73AD CALL 767C FF58<73 FF57<B0 <br>
00524 767C RST 20H FF56<76 FF55<7D <br>
00527 0020 JP BE77 <br>
00530 BE77 POP DE FF55>7D FF56>76 <br>
00533 BE78 EX (SP),HL FF57>B0 FF58>73 <br>
FF58<73 FF57<52 <br>
00538 BE79 PUSH HL FF56<73 FF55<B0 <br>
00541 BE7A PUSH IX FF54<FF FF53<60 <br>
00545 BE7C LD IX,0000 <br>
00549 BE80 ADD IX,SP <br>
00551 BE82 EX DE,HL <br>
00552 BE83 JP (HL) <br>
00553 767D LD HL,FFC7 <br>
00556 7680 ADD HL,SP <br>
00557 7681 LD SP,HL <br>
00562 7685 CP 7F <br>
00564 7687 JR Z,768E-$ <br>
00566 768E LD L,00 <br>
00568 7690 CALL BA5C FF19<76 FF18<93 <br>
00573 BA5C LD C,L <br>
00574 BA5D IN C,(C) 00>80 (read keyboard ? page 4-32 of the Service Manual) <br>
00577 BA5F LD B,00 <br>
00579 BA61 RET FF18>93 FF19>76 <br>
00582 7693 LD A,C <br>
00583 7694 AND 80 <br>
00585 7696 LD C,A <br>
00586 7697 JR NZ,76C9-$ <br>
00588 76C9 LD L,81 <br>
00590 76CB CALL BA5C FF19<76 FF18<CE <br>
00595 BA5C LD C,L <br>
00596 BA5D IN C,(C) 81>08 ( <br>
00599 BA5F LD B,00 <br>
00601 BA61 RET FF18>CE FF19>76 <br>
00604 76CE BIT 00,C <br>
(repeat from the top - 00489)<br><br>
Well, I'm getting tired...not a Z80 guru by a long shot.<br><br>
John :-#)#<br>
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