I like the DIY Pic, it doesn't need the MAX232 chip after all, as the PIC
will output the correct baud. A one chip solution. Cool. It does need to
be modified to output 1200 baud, otherwise it should be easy to adapt to
do the Programmers Keyboard.<br><br>
The <u>RESET</u> line could interact for the <u>MCLR</u> line to send a
"Keyboard Present" signal back. This only needs to be
identified as what character is sent to the 9100 to let it know the
keyboard is there. I think a space or return is all that is
required. Some sort of acknowledgement that the RESET signal from the
9100 was received by the keyboard.<br><br>
This hardly needs a PCB, more a solder blob on a socket then wrapped in
tape or built into a DIN plug that has an AT/PC style keyboard connector
on the other end of the wire. <br><br>
A one evening project! Now for someone to transfer the code into a file
to be dumped into the PIC... I have a PIC burner and will freely burn PIC
chips for folks that send them to me if I get the code. <br><br>
John :-#)#<br><br>
At 10:50 AM 28/09/2002 -0400, Kev wrote:<br><br>
<blockquote type=cite class=cite cite><a href="http://www.l3sys.com/keyat/ky_feat.html%A0" eudora="autourl">http://www.l3sys.com/keyat/ky_feat.html
</a> $99 let's keep looking<br><br>
<a href="http://www.beyondlogic.org/keyboard/keybrd.htm" eudora="autourl">http://www.beyondlogic.org/keyboard/keybrd.htm</a>
DIY 68HC705 project, I think<br>
it would just require remapping some of the ASCII codes. I believe source<br>
is there too. Uses a AT keyboard.<br>
Also links to a 68HC11 version.<br><br>
<a href="http://www.electronic-engineering.ch/microchip/projects/projects.html" eudora="autourl">http://www.electronic-engineering.ch/microchip/projects/projects.html</a> DIY<br>
Pic Microcontroller version. I don't think he supported all the Function<br>
keys but I imagine he would be helpful if asked.<br><br>
Unfortunately I haven't had time to play with any of these but I think the 2<br>
DIY projects are the solution we are looking for & relatively cheap.<br><br>
As for the Reset issue, I don't know. Didn't you have a fake out for that<br>
-----Original Message-----<br>
From: John Robertson <jrr@flippers.com><br>
To: Kev <KKlopp@erols.com>; techToolsList@flippers.com<br>
Date: Saturday, September 28, 2002 1:09 AM<br>
Subject: Re: 9100 Keyboard codes<br><br>
>Great, now can some bright person design a simple serial code converter? I<br>
>envision something that plugs directly into the 5 pin DIN socket on the<br>
>9100 and then we plug a regular AT keyboard in. This would be a single chip<br>
>solution, serial in, 1200 baud with either passing through the standard<br>
>ASCII keys or translating the "Special function" keys to the Fluke codes.<br>
>There would need to be a RESET fake as well so the 9100 assumes the<br>
>keyboard is present.<br>
>Simple, but would it take a few hours to set up? Or does someone have<br>
>something like this sitting on a shelf? I know a Basic STAMP could handle<br>
>it easily but they are a bit expensive. I am hoping for a serial EEPROM<br>
>like device.<br>
>John :-#)#<br>
>At 09:32 AM 17/09/2002 -0400, Kev wrote:<br>
>>I assume that this value is the raw code sent from the keyboard (although<br>
>>is possible that it is converted on its way to the display). Besides<br>
>>different codes than the 1020 keyboard, it also only sends the code when<br>
>>key is pressed. On the 1020 keyboard, it would send a code when it was<br>
>>pressed, and another when it was released.<br>
>>The list below contains all of the codes? Note that pressing<br>
>>the Ctrl and Shift keys at the same time produces the code in the "ctrl"<br>
>>column below. So, here are all of the codes (in hexadecimal):<br>
>>unshifted shifted ctrl<br>
>>a = 61 A = 41 a = 01<br>
>>b = 62 B = 42 b = 02<br>
>>c = 63 C = 43 c = 03<br>
>>d = 64 D = 44 d = 04<br>
>>e = 65 E = 45 e = 05<br>
>>f = 66 F = 46 f = 06<br>
>>g = 67 G = 47 g = 07<br>
>>h = 68 H = 48 h = 08<br>
>>i = 69 I = 49 i = 09<br>
>>j = 6A J = 4A j = 0A<br>
>>k = 6B K = 4B k = 0B<br>
>>l = 6C L = 4C l = 0C<br>
>>m = 6D M = 4D m = 0D<br>
>>n = 6E N = 4E n = 0E<br>
>>o = 6F O = 4F o = 0F<br>
>>p = 70 P = 50 p = 10<br>
>>q = 71 Q = 51 q = 11<br>
>>r = 72 R = 52 r = 12<br>
>>s = 73 S = 53 s = 13<br>
>>t = 74 T = 54 t = 14<br>
>>u = 75 U = 55 u = 15<br>
>>v = 76 V = 56 v = 16<br>
>>w = 77 W = 57 w = 17<br>
>>x = 78 X = 58 x = 18<br>
>>y = 79 Y = 59 y = 19<br>
>>z = 79 Z = 5A z = 1A<br>
>>1 = 31 ! = 21 1 = E1<br>
>>2 = 32 @ = 40 2 = 00<br>
>>3 = 33 # = 23 3 = E2<br>
>>4 = 34 $ = 24 4 = E3<br>
>>5 = 35 % = 25 5 = E4<br>
>>6 = 36 ^ = 5E 6 = 1E<br>
>>7 = 37 & = 26 7 = E5<br>
>>8 = 38 * = 2A 8 = E6<br>
>>9 = 39 ( = 28 9 = E7<br>
>>0 = 30 ) = 29 0 = E0<br>
>>- = 2D _ = 5F - = 1F<br>
>>= = 3D + = 2B = = E8<br>
>>` = 60 ~ = 7E ` = E9<br>
>>\ = 5C | = 7C \ = 1C<br>
>>[ = 5B { = 7B [ = 1B<br>
>>] = 5D } = 7D ] = 1D<br>
>>; = 3B : = 3A ; = ED<br>
>>' = 27 " = 22 ' = EE<br>
>>, = 2C < = 3C , = EA<br>
>>. = 2E > = 3E . = EB<br>
>>/ = 2F ? = 3F / = EC<br>
>>Space bar = 20 Space bar = 20 Space bar = 00<br>
>><X| = 7F <X| = 7F <X| = EF<br>
>>(Up Arrow) = A1 (Up Arrow) = D1 (Up Arrow) = D1<br>
>>(Left Arrow) = A4 (Left Arrow) = D4 (Left Arrow) = D4<br>
>>(Down Arrow) = A2 (Down Arrow) = D2 (Down Arrow) = D2<br>
>>(Right Arrow) = A3 (Right Arrow) = D3 (Right Arrow) = D3<br>
>>Field Select = F0 Field Select = F1 Field Select = F2<br>
>>F1 = 81 F1 = B1 F1 = B1<br>
>>F2 = 82 F2 = B2 F2 = B2<br>
>>F3 = 83 F3 = B3 F3 = B3<br>
>>Blank = 84 Blank = B4 Blank = B4<br>
>>F4 = 85 F4 = B5 F4 = B5<br>
>>F5 = 86 F5 = B6 F5 = B6<br>
>>F6 = 87 F6 = B7 F6 = B7<br>
>>F7 = 88 F7 = B8 F7 = B8<br>
>>Blank = 89 Blank = B9 Blank = B9<br>
>>F8 = 8A F8 = BA F8 = BA<br>
>>F9 = 8B F9 = BB F9 = BB<br>
>>F10 = 8C F10 = BC F10 = BC<br>
>>Edit = 8D Edit = BD Edit = BD<br>
>>Quit = 8F Quit = BF Quit = BF<br>
>>Msgs = 91 Msgs = C1 Msgs = C1<br>
>>Help = 92 Help = C2 Help = C2<br>
>>Info = 94 Info = C4 Info = C4<br>
>>Begin File = 95 Begin File = C5 Begin File = C5<br>
>>End File = 97 End File = C7 End File = C7<br>
>>Scroll Forward = 99 Scroll Forward = C9 Scroll Forward = C9<br>
>>Scroll Backward = 9B Scroll Backward = CB Scroll Backward = CB<br>
>>Begin Line = 9D Begin Line = CD Begin Line = CD<br>
>>End Line = 9F End Line = CF End Line = CF<br>
>>The following keys always return the same code (unshifted, shifted, and<br>
>>Esc = 1B<br>
>>Tab = 09<br>
>>Ctrl = (none)<br>
>>Caps Lock = (none)<br>
>>Scroll Lock = 13 (on), 11 (off)<br>
>>Shift = (none)<br>
>>Back Space = 08<br>
>>Break = F3<br>
>>Return = OD<br>
Received on Sat Sep 28 10:26:41 2002
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