AFAIK the memory map is very close to Pacman - try the switch settings used
in that game...
John :-#)#
At 10:13 AM 27/11/2002 -0500, Greg Baumgratz wrote:
>Anyone taken the time to do this yet or is it already documented
>somewhere? Couldn't find it last night, so what better to do on a cold
>snowy evening but analyze schematics? Anyway, here's what I found so
>far - any documentation to add or corrections to sleepy analyzations?
>ROM space
>Fluke 9010a checksum values by ROM
>7V: 4055
>7W: FCD2
>7Y: 1241
>7Z: 44E1
>RAM @ 7P and 7N
>1KX8 total space 7P lower four bits (D0-D3), 7N upper four bits (D4-D7)
>RAM@ 3H AND 3F (Video RAM)
>1KX8 total space, 3H lower four bits (D0-D3), 3F upper four bits (D4-D7)
>RAM@ 4F AND 5F (Object RAM)
>256X8 total space, 4F lower four bits (D0-D3), 5F upper four bits
>I think there are more RAM locations (the board location fails me right
>now) and I havn't looked for sound and dip locations. Can anyone add to
Received on Wed Nov 27 09:29:57 2002
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