I was tinkering around with a sick Bally MPU board today (a rewired -17
monster for Grand Products 301), and was trying to figure out why the 6810
was not being selected...So I set the probe to DATA, and set a WRITE @ 0000
= 55, and then tried checking with the probe for results. Curiously enough,
the probe showed nothing at all for A7 - Tri-state as far as it was
concerned. I though maybe the 6800 pod was defective and pulled out another
one, same result. A regular logic probe shows everything active.
Now, I haven't experimented much with the probe sync, and this might be a
flaw - or am I missing something obvious. I did only get four hours sleep
last night due to some idiot breaking my shop window at 1AM and had to hang
around till 4 for the glass folks...so - let's say I'm not at my sharpest
John :-#)#
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