RE: Logic Analyser adevice needed

From: Alex Yeckley <>
Date: Tue Apr 12 2005 - 15:25:12 EDT

> Maybe someone with more knowledge and experience here can add
> something about logic analyzers.

Very useful for troubleshooting DVGs and AVGs on vector games (probably true
for state machines in general). Problem is, you really have to have a
pretty good grip on how the state machine is *supposed* to work. If you've
done all the necessary up-front work (understanding the circuit,
establishing a known set of starting conditions, etc.) you can watch the
various opcodes get executed in real-time and get a pretty good idea of what
might be wrong. A logic analyzer isn't the optimum tool for most
troubleshooting situations where you'd expect something like an output drive
transistor failure inside an IC - a scope is more appropriate for that. We
very rarely break out a logic analyzer except for vector work. FWIW, we use
the HP family of analyzers, rather than the Tektronix models that have been
mentioned so far.

Oh - that reminds me - it seems like someone earlier was confusing a logic
*probe* with a logic *analyzer*. Just in case everybody doesn't know, they
are two completely different animals...


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Received on Tue Apr 12 12:36:02 2005

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