Fluke 9010A and old Atari Night Driver board

From: Phil Morris <phil_at_morris0.fsnet.co.uk>
Date: Sat May 28 2005 - 11:48:00 EDT

<x-flowed>I'm trying to get a Fluke 9010A with 6502 pod to work with an old Atari
'Night Driver' board (circa 1976, black & white). Trouble is that I'm
getting the good old 'UUT Power Fail' on the Fluke.

The Fluke and pod are fine with other (later) boards so I'm guessing that,
once again, it's a clocking related problem.

Night Driver uses 2 x 330 ohm resistors with the 12 MHz crystal and the
board works (but with video problems) using a 6502 CPU instead of the
Fluke. Just as an experiment I tried using 150 ohm resistors with the
crystal instead of the 330's but no dice I'm afraid.

Have also tried varying the voltage but to no avail.

Any ideas please folks?


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Received on Sat May 28 09:21:06 2005

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