i have a taito 3 board space invaders in a cocktail
it has several problems
i need the schematics if you have them especially the daughter card or sound board
i have the ones on the net and they do not match
it does not have a mb14241 on this board set
i found a close one "taito space invaders color cv
but the chip numbers dos not match the bus line goes from chip # 9 to 44 on this
the actual board i have only goes in the 20's
and the cv schematic shows 74ls151's
this board has 74ls350's i think chip # 9 - 12
all the chip numbers are worn off and hard to read
1st problem is lines trough the invaders like a force field you can not shoot through
2nd game stars in player 2 as soon as the credits reach 2 coins no button needed ,player 1 works great like it should 1 coin and then you need to press player 1 start ,i tried to follow player 2 as far back on the board and the logic is correct
3rd sound issues missing i can correct them but not till others are fixed
any help would be great thanks tony
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Received on Tue Sep 19 16:08:50 2006