Totally agreed.
(Sorry, away working and have only had time to catch this one email)
On Wed, September 20, 2006 9:23 pm, Clay Cowgill wrote:
> Dang, pretty short poll there John-- hope that people were reading and
> responding while at work! ;-)
> Personally I like and value the FS postings of equipment appropriate to
> the
> list-- troubleshooters, o'scopes, logic analyzers, device programmers,
> etc.
> I for one would offer equipment here for sale before eBay simply because I
> "know" the potential buyers a bit more. Similarly I'd feel better buying
> used gear from someone here that I've read posts from for years rather
> than
> just some random guy on eBay...
> If it were *my* choice, I'd simply make the rule a little flexible--
> "occasional FS/FA posts for equipment appropriate to the subject matter of
> the list are permissable as long as they don't get to be a problem and are
> identified by FA or FS in the subject line". You get to define "problem"
> when it becomes one. ;-) People that don't want to see the FA/FS can just
> filter based on the subject.
> Volume on this list is really, really low, so if I have to hit 'delete'
> twice in the last two months to get rid of all the FS posts, it's worth it
> to have the opportunity to maybe get a piece of gear I need later down the
> road...
> Just my $0.02!
> -Clay
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