Isn't this just sounding more and more like a simple case of a faulty
eprom that needs discarding?
On Tue, October 3, 2006 1:53 pm, Cameron Rector wrote:
> First of all; I have to say my troubles are looking more and more self
> induced.
> I talked to some people on the techtool fourm and got a tip to watch A11
> with a logic probe while programming. Well intresting enough; A11 goes
> high right at 800h and stays high though the rest of the programming
> (that is what it shoud do). So this got me thinking of performing a few
> more tests.
> 1. first I loaded a blank eprom into ram, then I viewed the ram and saw
> it was filled with FF (which is correct). Then I performed a verify and
> it passes (and it should). I next loaded my binary file (I am assuming
> its binary) and re-ran verify and it fails (and it should). Then I
> program the ram (containing the file) into the eprom and the post
> program verify fails (and it should not). So I see it fails at 800h (as
> it always does) and it shows ram = 00 and the device = A2 (or something
> simular, I forgot the exact number). So at this point I see from 800h on
> things don't match up. I next load ram again with FF just to make sure
> it is clear and then download the device into ram. I then view the ram
> at 800h and it says 800h = 00. I again run verify and again it fails at
> 800h saying the same thing ram = 00 and the device = A2.
> Now how the heck can that happen? I just downloaded the device into ram
> and verified it against its own contents and it fails showing it has a
> different number than what it downloaded.
> 2. Just to test the hardware of the programmer. I verified a new blank
> eprom and it passed all FF. I then loaded a constant 00 into ram and
> programmed the eprom and it passes. This tells me that I can take all
> highs at all pins and change them to all lows at all pins. This also
> tell me that the programmer must be doing the hardware thing correctly.
> 3. I programmed another blank eprom with an abitrary constant CC and it
> passes. CC is loaded in all locations.
> I hope you can follow all of this.
> Thank you for all the help folks!
> Cameron
> John Robertson <> wrote: Yes, Cameron, the 2532
> does go to FFFh, a 2716 fills to 7FFh.
> If you have a logic probe with a 'memory' you can use that on a read to
> see if the A11 toggles. You can use a voltmeter as well...Pin 12 is Gnd,
> I would stuff thin wires into the two socket opening and clip the
> voltmeter to them.
> If it toggles on a read (it will start Low, then go High at 800h) but
> not on write (write FFs that you just 'read') then you have more
> information.
> John :-#)#
> At 6:02 PM -0700 10/1/06, Cameron Rector wrote:
> Rodger, Thanks for the input however, I believe the last address for
> the 2532 is FFFh. The 2532 is a 32k device arranged as 12bit address
> 8bit data or 4096x8=32k. I'm a little rusty at this but I also think
> that 7FFh = 2048 and 4096 = FFFh. With this said; I still think I
> have something wrong with my A11 signal or signal path. If you can
> think of something else, please let me know. Cameron
> Rodger Boots <> wrote:
> Cameron Rector wrote:
>> Hello all,
>> I am new to this site, so I will applogize for dumb questions up front.
>> I have a Bytek fireman 8x and I am having trouble programming
>> TMS2532A's. The programming part goes well until verify. It seams that
>> at address 0800h it fails. It does this on every chip I try. I don't
>> know if this could be a configuration setting or it the unit has a bad
>> solder joint or IC. I did a visual inspection from A11 pin 18 back
>> through the circuit traces and joints, however I didn't find anything
>> wrong. I tried to call Bytek and their phone is disconnected and my
>> email bounced back.
>> So, does anyone here know anything about this machine? Does anyone know
>> where I can get the schmatic's for this programmer?
>> I am a newbe at programming eproms, so don't overlook the fact I could
>> have a software setting wacked out.
>> The first verify error says "ADDS 0800h Ram 01 Device 00"
> That's OK, the last address in a 2532 would be 07FF, so at 0800 you're
> no longer inside the 2532.
> You have the end of buffer set too high, otherwise it would have stopped
> at 07FF.
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