> You'll also need some circuitry to switch between the different type
> monitors used: 2 level, 16 level, 64 level, and Color.
How do the inputs look for the 16-level, 64-level, and (especially) the
color versions?
The way I understand the 2 level, one of the two inputs indicates beam
on or off, and the other one makes the beam brighter if its on. Is this
correct? What would happen if the bright signal was on but the beam
signal was off? The circuit (from 20,000ft) looks like either input
being on would turn the beam on to the low level. Is that right?
Do the 16- and 64-level versions work similarly (on signal for on/off,
and 4 or 6 bits for intensity)? How are the color inputs arranged?
I've been looking at laying out a circuit to handle the 12-bit
deflection signals, but I'm not sure how to handle the brightness
| John W. Linville To Be, Rather Than To Seem. |
| linvjw_at_vnet.ibm.com http://www4.ncsu.edu/eos/users/j/jwlinvi/www |
Received on Tue May 6 06:19:20 1997
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