More Laser x-y game stuff

From: Ozdemir, Steve <>
Date: Mon Jun 02 1997 - 11:51:55 EDT

G'day folks,

Sorry for the late response, but I've been on vacation for the last
week. I've delved into the topic of laser projection since I've always
thought it'd be cool to play BZ on a drive-in theatre screen!

After talking with someone who'd mated the Vectrex to a laser projection
system, the cost of the most basic hardware ( > 1K) seemed to be the
only obstacle. Maybe Gregg W could point us to this Vectrex enthusiast?

                Steven S Ozdemir

ps - By the way, the actual hacking necessary to mate laser projection
with vector games seemed pretty straight forward.

>I know this is a little off topic, but apparently Rick Schieve once talked to
>guy who worked at a planetarium which had a laser projection system, and the
>guy was interested in setting up Star Trek and playing it inside the
>planetarium. A 5 foot Klingon would look pretty cool! And hook up an audio
>system, and you've got the best vector game platform you can find! :-)
>Mark Jenison E-mail address:
>Cellular Infrastructure Group Motorola--Arlington Heights, IL
Received on Mon Jun 2 08:56:36 1997

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