Re: New Project Statement: Cinematronics Exercisor

From: Zonn <>
Date: Mon Jul 28 1997 - 19:46:00 EDT

At 07:25 PM 7/28/97 -0400, you wrote:
> Earlier this afternoon Steve Ozdemir and I made an agreement which will
>hopefully result in the repair and duplication of Steve's Cinematronics
>Exercisor. I'm sending this e-mail out to the group for two reasons;


An excellent project to undertake! Steve has hit me with this idea a few
times, and given an excess of free time I'd have done it.

I'm glad Steve finally found the right sucke... er.. uh.. dedicated
engineer, to take this on!

Good luck!

Let me know if you have any questions on the Cinematronics hardware, up to
this point I've been fixing 'em the hard way. A 'scope, a meter, and a
soldering iron. It'll be interesting to see how much faster you can track
down a problem with an exercisor.

Someone sent me an unsolicited e-mail wanting me to bid on a Cinematronics
exercisor, just recently, he said he found my name using a search engine and
wanted me to bid on the thing. He said it was complete. He might be
someone to contact, I'm sure he could just read off the pinouts over the
phone. Shall I get you his e-mail?

Received on Mon Jul 28 16:42:19 1997

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