Have a curious dentist/vet/med student x-ray it for you. This way you
can figure out the PCB layout. I've wanted to try x-raying the Pacman+
hockey puck but I don't want to nuke the EPROMs...
..its MUCH easier than that
All the active parts are on a PC board on TOP of the potted flyback
I put a picture of it up on the photos page on spies.
I'm going to go back over to the place today with a voltmeter and
try to measure it in circuit. So far it looks like:
HV FOCUS +V(?) COM ???
but if you put 20-45V on +V and COM nothing happens.
I'm a bit concerned that there doesn't appear to be any cathode
voltage (~100v) pin.
the thing has all house-numbered parts, and one national 14 pin
IC on it.
Received on Wed Jul 30 08:54:50 1997
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