Re: Transistor Number

From: Zonn <>
Date: Fri Oct 03 1997 - 12:47:28 EDT

On Fri, 3 Oct 1997 08:25:45 -0500 (CDT), you wrote:

>Vector Posse,
> Does anybody happen to know the part numbers for the Cine.
>deflection transistors off hand? My Rip Off lost the bottom half
>of the screen last night (During a GREAT game we were having, too)
>and I forgot my manual at home.
> I will be really mad at myself, if, because of my own
>stupidity, I can't fix my Rip Off tonight...

Hey Joe,

Keep in mind that Al has scans of all the schematics on but
to save you the trouble:

   2N5878 - NPN
   2N5876 - PNP

Also, the pair of transistors used in the deflection of the WG monitors are
a slightly better replacement (same gain, a bit higher voltage rating,
though not worth going out and retrofiting all your Cine'monitors). If you
have an old Zannen WG kit laying around you could use those. Don't mix and
match, use either the Cine' pair or the WG pair.

Received on Fri Oct 3 09:45:08 1997

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