re:19VLTP22 vs 19VJPT22

From: Gregg Woodcock <>
Date: Thu Oct 09 1997 - 09:07:00 EDT

In message "19VLTP22 vs 19VJPT22", you write:

>Does anyone know if the 19VJPT22 tube has a higher resolution (finer dot
>pitch) than the 19VLTP22 tube?

I don't think any of us is going to be able to comment but I'd
imaginge that the original manufacturer probabaly could still tell
you (and they're probably the only ones).

>I was hoping to outfit all of my vector monitors with this tube because
>the resolution is so nice.

There is one more experiment to be made before this is advisable.
Yes, I transplanted a set of Wells-Gardner hardware onto an Amplifone
tube assembly BUT to do what you are suggesting would require that
somebody test the results of transplanting a Wells-Gardner yoke onto
an Amplifone tube. The yoke is what determines the pincushioning or
barreling and if you wanted to put an Amplifone tube into a Tempest,
you'd want to remove the Amplifone yoke and put on a W-G to get rid of
the barrelling that would otherwise be present. I have a spare,
working W-G yoke (NOS) that I would loan to somebody willing to do
this experiment but I have no plans on tesing this myself (but I am
90% sure it will work).

THANX...Gregg   day 972.684.7380  night UNLIST/PUBL   TEXAS NOT CANADA!
"If you quote me on this I'll have to deny it; I won't remember because
I have such a bad memory.  Not only that, but my memory is *terrible*."
Received on Thu Oct 9 06:12:08 1997

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