Re: Tempest Monitor Fixed -- Almost

From: Christopher X. Candreva <>
Date: Thu Oct 09 1997 - 13:42:04 EDT

On Thu, 9 Oct 1997, Warren 'Llama' Ernst wrote:

> I'd love to see a discussion about this topic - I;ve always had a hard time
> imaginining how dangerous this procedure seems. Tell me its not, why, and
> how to do it, please!

How, as in procedure, is documented in the FAQ. Those notes are, I think,
taken from the Wells-Gardner/Temptest manual. There is a PDF version out
there someplace (I think I have a link to it at -- either the files are still there,
or the link is in link.html).

How, as in how without killing yourself, is a bit more sketchy. Most of the
notes I've read started with "Make sure everything is unpluged and you have
discharged the HV charge first", which made me think it didn't apply in this


Chris Candreva -- -- (914) 967-7816
WestNet Internet Services of Westchester
Received on Thu Oct 9 10:42:37 1997

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