> >Don't forget to pump the sound through your stereo and turn the bass
> >WAY up. It helps with the "proper" experience.. Not as much fun as
> >Space Duel vibrating your house to pieces, but still terrifying to
> >any small animals living there.. :)
> Interesting. While perhaps said in jest, I've been wondering how to go
> about doing this. Space Duel would indeed vibrate the place apart - just
> what I'm looking for!
The way I do it is I've got a little box from Radio Shack that is used
for converting a car stereo output back into a line feed for feeding into
an amp. So then you can feed the outputs back into your LINE IN and the box
has taken care of level and impedance stuff. Also very useful for when
you are digitizing sounds..
(and yes -- I actually do this!)
* This version of Kurt Mahan is currently being evaluated. Words he speaks
* are those of him only and not those of Novell or anybody else.
* Novell Java Technologies R&D Group
* Kurt Mahan
* kmahan@novell.com
Received on Sat Oct 11 09:45:22 1997
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