G'day folks (again),
I got about a dozen responses from people who've seen RGVAM, so it looks
like RGVAM is propagating nicely! Thanks to everyone for tolerating
this non-vector topic.
Steven S Ozdemir
ps - Everyone can stop sending "I see RGVAM" email to sso@dsc.com.
>From: Ozdemir, Steve
>Sent: Tuesday, October 14, 1997 8:52 AM
>To: 'vectorlist@goonsquad.spies.com'
>Subject: Who sees RGVAM?
>G'day folks,
>If folks don't mind sending email to sso@dsc.com, could you tell me if
>RGVAM articles are getting to your news site? Don't reply to this email
>since it'll go to the whole vectorlist email list!
> Steven S Ozdemir
> sso@dsc.com
>ps - With RGVAM done....now back to the new KLOV!
Received on Tue Oct 14 13:41:44 1997
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