On Wed, 15 Oct 1997 16:18:34 -0500 (CDT), Mark Jenison
<jenison@cig.mot.com> wrote:
>On Oct 15, 2:03pm, Ozdemir, Steve wrote:
>> Subject: RE: Cine CPU exorsisor data up
>> G'day Zonn,
>Are you originally from Australia? G'day mate! (Sorry Steve, couldn't resist
>> Please provide more details. Who makes this "universal exercisor" and I
>> assume that the signatures come with it?
>> I've never heard of any other signature analysis beyond the Atari Cat
>> and Cinematronics Exercisor stuff. Was signature analysis used for
>> other games?
>I'm fairly sure Bally/Midway has some sort of signature analysis. Doesn't Ms.
>Pac Man boards and the MCR II stuff have some mystery edges on them for which
>to hook up some test device?
According to Gaymond, the exorcisor works with Pac Man (maybe he meant
Ms. Pac Man or possibly both) and Missile Command, among others...
------ ___ Member of A.A.C.S.:
|---- | ( ) Association for Artistically
/ / ( () ) Challenged Signatures
/ / //\\ // (__)
/ ---/ // \\ //\\ // zonn @ concentric . net
-------| // \\/
Received on Wed Oct 15 14:28:42 1997
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