With all this talk about fab-ing PCBs, I'm surprised that
no one mentioned doing it at home. The guy who sits next to me
here downloaded a PS file with a PCB layout on it, xeroxed it on
a sheet of that iron-on resist stuff, and etched it with etchant from
Radio Shack, I believe. It turned out better than we both expected.
The only limit is on the minimum size of the traces. I think
it has to be relatively large (like the size of power/ground traces
on video game PCBs.)
BUT, looking at Clay's ESB layout, for instance, I think
it would be possible to do that at home -- it would just take a
bigger board. Not having seen a Quad-Pokey board, I can't even
guess if it's possible, but I'm thinking of making my Cine.
Exorcisor board this way.
Joseph J. Welser jwelser@ccwf.cc.utexas.edu
Design Engineer -- Crystal Semiconductor Corporation
Ph.D. Student in E.E. -- University of Texas at Austin
Work: jwelser_at_crystal.cirrus.com http://www.crystal.com
P.O. Box 17847; Austin, TX 78760
Received on Wed Nov 12 12:43:31 1997
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