Sega Multigame = Proto's OK!

From: Clay Cowgill <>
Date: Mon Dec 01 1997 - 15:09:28 EST

Hi all!

Good news-- I got the Sega Multigame PCB's (and the "single player control
panel interface" replacements) in before the holiday so I had time to test
everything out.

The replacement "Single Player Control Panel Interface" ("spinner
interface") came up working the first try. *whew*

The Multigame Daughtercard was *really* close. The netlist was exactly
right, but I had messed up the clk and enable lines on the latches on the
schematic. Oh, well, nothing a couple wires didn't fix. It's working just
fine now. I'll put some pictures up on my webpage later today.

So... I've got five or six of theses ready to go right now and I'll
re-order the rest of the boards (with the latches "fixed") later this week,

"Send me your money!" (Just my little tribute to _Suicidal_Tendencies_
there... ;-)

I'm going to pull a fast one and raise the prices on each of these $1.
(Covers some extra drill time at the board house I didn't count on, and
pays for good dual-wipe sockets for all IC's.)

Sega Multigame Kit (fully assembled with sockets)
   Includes: Multigame Daughtercard, Security Plug, decode PROM, manual, etc.
   $76 + $7 shipping = $83 each

Sega "Spinner" Interface (fully assembled with sockets)
   Includes: Single Player Control Panel Interface, manual
   $21 + $3 shipping = $24 each

I'll ship the Daughtercards DHL (1 or 2-day depending on where you are) and
the spinner boards USPS. (If you order them together I'll send everything

International shipping (based on experience with the ESB kits) is $40 for
DHL pretty much anywhere, and it'll make it in a few days.

So, send your checks or MO's or whatever to:

Clay Cowgill
109 SE 175th Ave
Vancouver, WA 98683

If it's not too much trouble, please print out this order form and include
it (filled out) with your check or Money Order. (It'll help me keep from
getting them mixed up with ESB kit orders...) The answers to the questions
will help me when writing new software for the daughtercard...

The current software load on the Daughtercard is:

Star Trek
Space Fury (uses Star Trek control panel)
Eliminator (uses Star Trek control panel)
Tac/Scan (uses Star Trek control panel)
Zektor (uses Star Trek control panel)
Eliminator (original controls)
Eliminator 4-player (original controls)

There is one full "bank" free on the EPROM right now-- maybe I'll put Space
Fury with "original" controls in there...


                      Sega Multigame/Interface Order Form

Ship to: _____________________________________



Quantity Price with Shipping

 [ ] Sega Multigame Kit $83

 [ ] Replacement "Spinner" Interface $24

                                         Total: [ ]


 Will this be installed in:

 [ ] ...a Sega/G80 cabinet (GO-8 monitor)

 [ ] Atari cabinet (Wells Gardner or Amplifone monitor)

 [ ] ...other

 Can you burn your own EPROMs (27C040 or 27C080)?

 [ ] Yes

 [ ] No

Clayton N. Cowgill Engineering Manager
/\ Diamond Multimedia Systems, Inc.
\/ Communications Division
Received on Mon Dec 1 12:08:26 1997

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