On Mon, 1 Dec 1997 15:43:12 -0800 (PST), aek@goonsquad.spies.com (Al
Kossow) wrote:
>"I can't imagine reverse engineering the whole
>CPU board just to change a title."
>The CPU boards are copies of the Cine board, they redid
>the sound/vector generator board. Looking at the drawings,
>the CPU schematics are copies of the Cine schematics,
>while the sound board follow euro schematic drawing
>I'll try to get these scanned in tonight..
What I meant, is that I couldn't imagine a company going through all the
trouble of reverse engineering the full instruction set just so they
could hack in a new title over the old one. More likely somebody
associated with Cinematronics (or Vectorbeam) made the change, was it
done legally? -- who knows.
The original Japanese clone used some and/or/xor logic to blank the
Cinematronics copyright notice. Cutting a trace to disable this
"blanking" circuit, caused the Cinematronics copyright to "re-appear" on
the Japanese boards. This is what they did in court to win the lawsuit.
------ ___ Member of A.A.C.S.:
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Received on Mon Dec 1 16:06:49 1997
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