Re: Vector Monitor HV power...

From: Clay Cowgill <>
Date: Tue Dec 02 1997 - 13:45:07 EST

>What did you ever find out about that new Murata flyback I sent you
>(about a year ago now?) that I thought might have been a replacement for
>the WG HV transformer?

Hmmmm. I was looking at it and I don't think I ever really tried to put it
through its paces... I'm not 100% sure how to tell what pins do what
actually. We have a flyback tester here at work (one of the engineers used
to repair TV's) so I can probably just do a ringing test on all the pins
and map out a likely pinout from it. Short of tearing one apart-- anyone
know a good way to figure out what goes where on an "unknown" pinout
flyback transformer?

>I know it is not a replacement, but if it can produce ~19Kv and you could
>use for making up a HV replacement module, I can buy those for only $5
>each and probably cheaper in quantity (although I dont know how many are
>available, probably at least 200). since the transformer would be the
>most expensive part, that would DRASTICALLY reduce the price.

That would be pretty neat. Even if you could only make 200 of 'em a $20-30
replacement HV supply could be pretty cool!


Clayton N. Cowgill Engineering Manager
/\ Diamond Multimedia Systems, Inc.
\/ Communications Division
Received on Tue Dec 2 10:44:39 1997

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