BOUNCE Admin request of type /\bsubscribe\b/i at line 9

From: <>
Date: Wed Dec 03 1997 - 14:18:03 EST

>From!crhea Wed Dec 3 11:18:00 1997
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From: "Rhea, Cristopher J." <> (Cris Rhea)
Message-Id: <199712031916.NAA07395@sijer.Mayo.EDU>
Subject: Re: list update / test (fwd)
Date: Wed, 3 Dec 1997 13:16:57 -0600 (CST)
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Forwarded message:
> From Wed Dec 3 12:26:41 1997
> From: (Zonn)
> To:
> Subject: Re: list update / test
> Date: Wed, 03 Dec 1997 18:11:35 GMT

> I'm disappointed! I've been trying to get all the other mailings lists
> I subscribe to, to use your default of replying to the mailing list!
> I thought that was totally cool! The times I need to reply to an
> individual as opposed to replying to the mailing list are at max only 1
> out of 10, more likely something like 1 out of 50.
> I can deal with it, but I sure liked it the way it was. It's going to
> make replying a bit harder, and will probably lead to more responses
> that are not 'replies' which will mess up the nice tree structure that
> my mailreader uses.
> -Zonn (who now must go to the above message and copy
> '' and move it up to the 'To:' slot.)

I agree! Since the "From:" line was changed, any replies go to the
author, not the list. Also, in my mail package (elm on Unix), I used to be
able to save the note to the folder "vectorlist". Now, it tries to save
it to a folder with the sender's name. I have to manually type "vectorlist".

I would rather have the old behavior too....

PS: Al's note came out with an incomplete From: line causing my system to
append the default domain to the address.

--- Cris

 Cristopher J. Rhea Mayo Foundation
 Research Computing Facility Guggenheim 1001B
 crhea@Mayo.EDU Rochester, MN 55905
 Fax: (507) 266-4486 (507) 284-0587
Received on Wed Dec 3 11:18:07 1997

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