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Date: Thu, 4 Dec 1997 11:32:24 -0800
To: vectorlist@spies.com
From: Clay Cowgill <clayc@diamondmm.com>
Subject: Re: Sega sound boards...
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CC: Clay Cowgill <clayc@diamondmm.com>

>I'm assuming you know this cause you said you doubt it is over 4khz. If
>this is the case, then a 8khz sampling rate will work. It is cutting it
>close, but shouldn't make a difference. It would be a good idea to add a
>filter to block anything above 4Khz if you want to sample at 8Khz.
>Sampling at 8Khz probably wont sound the best though. Of course the
>faster you sample, the better it will sound. There are HD recorders out
>now that can sample at 96Khz. Holy gigibytes Batman!

Yeah, Mr. Nyquist was the reason I was picking 8KHz. I checked the
datasheets last night on the SP0250 and it's max output bandwidth rolls off
at 5KHz. (At pretty ucky S/N and Dynamic Range numbers too...) Since it's
synthesized voice content anyway most anything over 2KHz are probably
harmonics in the first place...


Clayton N. Cowgill Engineering Manager
/\ Diamond Multimedia Systems, Inc. clay@supra.com
\/ Communications Division http://www.supra.com/
Received on Thu Dec 4 13:58:36 1997

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