Re: Nightmare! (was: Re: more info on euro star castle boards)

From: Paul Kahler <>
Date: Tue Dec 09 1997 - 09:19:37 EST

> G'day,
> I'll second Kev's nomination for Cine->Atari BW/color (or Sega for that
> matter). Now what's this Nightmare game? (Putting on my asbesto
> this thing getting worn from use?)
> Steven S Ozdemir

And please don't forget the Cine->Atari COLOR part of that :-) I have
no B/W monitors of any kind and while I could find an Asteroids, there
are NO Cinegames to be found in the Detroit area :-( I'd really like to
stuff the board into my Space Duel. I still say that I might be willing
to try colorizing a game or two - ripoff seems like a great candidate.
I suppose if I did this now, it would provide "real" incentive to do the
converter board :-)

 ___   __   _   _  _
|   \ /  \ | | | || |     Engineer/Programmer
|  _/| || || |_| || |__     " What makes someone care so much?
|_|  |_||_| \___/ |____)      for things another man can just ignore. " -S.H.
Received on Tue Dec 9 06:18:57 1997

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