Atari color XY repair in the Bay Area

From: Ozdemir, Steve <>
Date: Tue Dec 16 1997 - 13:09:48 EST

G'day folks,

The person that I've sold my cocktail Tempest to has asked if I know
anyone in the Bay Area who'd be willing to repair his Atari color XY
monitor in the unlikely event that it breaks down at some point in the

Would anyone in the Bay Area be willing to give their name to the buyer?
 He's is located in Santa Cruz but commutes daily to the Bay Area and
could drop off the monitor anywhere on the pennisula. (If you're
willing to help him out in the future, send your email address to me and
I'll make introductions privately.)

                Steven S Ozdemir

ps - I would have restricted distribution of my request for future help
to CA (and Bay Area) if there was a way to do this on an email list. I
don't think the buyer is willing to ship his monitor to get it fixed.
Received on Tue Dec 16 10:09:57 1997

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