Re: Exorcisor on a chip

From: <linvjw_at_VNET.IBM.COM>
Date: Mon Dec 22 1997 - 12:39:27 EST

> 2) Is there any interest in getting the Exorcisor
> on ~3 22V10s?

I'd be interested in this. How bad would the interconnect be? How
about laying-out a PCB? Soldering a few chips on a PCB wouldn't be too
bad IMHO...

At least the 22v10's are easy to come by and many have programmers
capable of programming them.


| John W. Linville To Be, Rather Than To Seem. |
| I will not torment the emotionally frail... :-) |
Received on Mon Dec 22 09:41:08 1997

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