corrected instructions

From: Al Kossow <aek>
Date: Tue Dec 23 1997 - 12:22:48 EST

thanks for letting me know about the subscription problem.
i've also updated the page with a short description of
what I think the list is about...

Vectorlist is an automated mailing list run by aek on

                           The list's main function is to provide a forum for technical discussions
                            on B&W and color caligraphic (vector) arcade video games including
                           game repair, programming, and general hardware and software hacking.

                          Vectorlist is an open mailing list. You can subscribe by sending the words:
                                     "subscribe vectorlist your-email@address"
                                        in the body of a mail message to
Received on Tue Dec 23 09:22:53 1997

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