Re: Atari Cat boxes

From: Zonn <>
Date: Sat Jan 03 1998 - 20:17:17 EST

On Thu, 1 Jan 1998 02:52:04 -0800, "David Shoemaker" <>

>>I will scan the schematic in today and toss it up on my web page. If there
>>is interest I will also send it to the list. It really doesn't look all
>>that complex.
>Ok after spending way too long on my scaner today, and not being done.
>Anyone have a good idea on the best way to turn these 3+ Meg bmp's into
>something more reasonable?

I've always found the best way to save B&W images without muddying up the edges
(like JPEG does) is to save the files as an uncompressed .BMP and use PKZIP with
the "-ex" switch (for maximum compression). So far that always seems to beat
any other lossless method.



 ------ ___ Member of A.A.C.S.:
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Received on Sat Jan 3 17:16:32 1998

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