Re: Moto 68HC11 EVB now $49

From: Anders Knudsen <>
Date: Mon Jan 12 1998 - 18:30:17 EST

At 11:57 AM 1/12/98 -0800, you wrote:
>funny you should suggest this as a cat box replacement :-)
>I'm not sure which EVB they are selling, I think there were
>two versions. I have the older (?) one, which didn't bring
>the uP data bus out to a connector. Did the one with a big
>wire-wrap area do that?
>Rather than duplicating the existing 6502 design, once I
>saw the price of the EVB's had dropped, I started working
>on a 6502 compatible timing state machine to graft onto
>the EVB.

Well my evbu is at home, so I will check version etc when I get home and
post that info.
Here is basically what came in my kit (this is from memory!):
* EVBU board with plcc socket, supports the MC68HC11A8, MC68HC11E9,
  MC68HC711E9, and MC68HC811E2.
* 64k byte address space
* Came with 2 68HC11s: one with eprom, one without.
  both have 512 bytes of eeprom 54 bytes low page ram, 8k user ram, and
  either a monitor program loaded, or blank area for code in eprom
  (E000h - FFFFh).
* Overall debug and evaluation (emulation) control is provided by interaction
  with an external terminal.
* The built-in RS-232C port connects the board with either an external
  terminal or host computer running a terminal program.
* A wire-wrap area is provided for custom interfacing. The wire-wrap hole
  pattern allows for most DIP wire-wrap sockets, strip sockets, headers, and
* MCU interfacing is accomplished via the MCU I/O port connector, providing
  easy connection to the outside world.
* requires a single +5Vdc power supply and an RS- 232C compatible
  terminal with cable for operation.
* All the books, etc and software to program came in the kit.

The eprom version would work well, and new "catbox" code could easily be
developed to fit into the 8192 bytes at E000h.

I just called Hamilton-Hallmark. The HC11 kit they are selling is the
68HC11/EVBU2, they were very clueless about what that kit actually
contained. But if it is anything like mine, it is well worth the $49.
Another thing to consider, if this HC11 is a way to go for catbox
replacement: this $49 deal is only a promotional deal, that is this is not
a price reduction by motorola, but rather an attempt to get some saturation
of HC11s out there.

I might get one just to have an extra HC11 on hand.

| Anders Knudsen
| ASIC Design Engineer
| Adaptec, Inc., Boulder Technology Center
Received on Mon Jan 12 15:32:09 1998

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