RE: Color Asteriods Deluxe?!

From: Ozdemir, Steve <>
Date: Wed Jan 14 1998 - 15:55:43 EST

G'day folks,

Not to rain on anyone's parade, but about five years ago someone posted
on RGV(A?) that they had a color Asteroids. Turns out it was just an
Asteroids with a Star Castle overlay.

Unless you have some confidence in your friend's ability (and I'm not
trying to slam anyone here), I wouldn't get my hopes up figuring that
the color AD turns out to be an overlay or Space Duel. Of course, if it
does turn out to be truly a color AD, then I'll start the bidding at
$400. I wouldn't want Gaymond to get it for a song! 8^) 8^) 8^)

                Steven S Ozdemir

ps - Quite a haul your friend got there! Five MH's!! Did he get any
rare Cinematronics or Vectorbeam stuff?

>From: mayday19[SMTP:mayday19@IDT.NET]
>Sent: Wednesday, January 14, 1998 6:44 AM
>Cc: mayday19
>Subject: Color Asteriods Deluxe?!
>Hey all,
>I was talking to a game-dealer friend of mine last night.. he just
>bought a warehouse out and he said there was an Asteriods Deluxe that
>looked like nothing he has ever seen before. He said the cabinet was
>completely different, and it had color vector monitor in it! A color
>AD!? He is gonna bring it in to look at it in the next few days, but
>that is what he told me so far..
>I hope he was not hallucinating or anything... I know he is not lying
>'cause he is one of my best friends.. oh well, I'll post as soon as I
>find out.
>Ever heard of ANYTHING like this?
>BTW: He also got *5* Major Havocs in the deal.. so if you want a MH let
>me know. They are all Tempest conversions and none of them have side art
>(I dont think ANYBODY ever ordered the stickers).
Received on Wed Jan 14 12:55:35 1998

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