On 1/14/98, at 11:06 PM, gonzothegreat@juno.com wrote:
>On Wed, 14 Jan 1998 13:33:17 -0800 Clay Cowgill <clayc@diamondmm.com>
>>Just some more info for any of you expanding your test gear. I was
>>an order from Jameco the other day and saw their "BelMerit Capacitance
>>Meter" (#140741) for $59.95... I decided to add it on to the order--
>>I called in the price was $49.95 (cool).
>Has anybody here had any experience with any of the "cheap" cap ESR
>testers? I do a lot of work with switcher PSUs and I wanted some opinions
>before dropping some cash on the Dick Smith model.
My meter has a cap tester, and I've been pleased with it. For the caps used
ini a cap kit, it SEEMS to be able to tell me if a cap is good or not, and
if it at least close to ite marked rating. What is it about these tools
that differs from what me meter tells me?
Reviewer, "Windows Magazine" | Warren Ernst - warren@techie.com
Author, "Using Netscape" | http://www.cris.com/~wernst/
"Internet 1997 Unleashed" (c) | Computer Journalist, Consultant, Author
"Netscape 3 Unleashed"(contr) | Graphic Artist, Nerd
"Presenting ActiveX" |
Que and Sams.Net Publishing | "If it ain't broke, don't break it."
Received on Thu Jan 15 11:13:47 1998
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