RE: LV2000 Order Form

From: Jeff Hendrix <>
Date: Tue Jan 20 1998 - 14:47:03 EST

I'm putting in overtime trying to make the manual as complete as possible.
I'm using scans from the monitor manual as well as including pictures of
different steps.
The hardest part is coming up with a good trouble shooting section. I've
been trying to think of all the different "mistakes" somebody could make
and how to track them down. I've assembled half a dozen of these things so
far (different prototype boards) and havn't had ANY trouble yet.

So far the only possible problems we can come up with are
1) assembly problems:
  a) bad solder joints or shorts across traces
  b) installing parts in the wrong place

With a solder mask on the board, it should make soldering a whole lot easier.
Also, the PCB (and docs) are well marked with what goes where and how it
goes there.

2) Other problems on the deflection board
I imagine that most kits will be installed on non-working monitors, which
probably should fix the problem "most" of the time, but not always. Most xy
monitors that I've fixed (before the LV2000 and with it) the problem was
only in the LV section, but there have been a handfull that had a bad
deflection transistor which in turn blew out the LV section. So in the
documentation we are suggesting that everyone at least check the deflection
transistors if this kit is REPAIRING a non-working monitor.
In some ways it would be kind of like installing Clays ESB kit in a
non-working star wars board and expecting it to fix the problem.


>G'day Anders (and Clay),
>Well, I could be wrong since I've never seen Clay's handiwork, but your
>LV2000 sounds simpler. If you really are concerned about people
>assembling your boards properly, then put any extra time (yes, I'm
>referring to yours/mine/all of our's copious "spare time") into the
>instructions. Including a trouble shooting section with symptoms and
>likely mistakes that people made (and perhaps you found yourself doing
>while assembling PCBs) would save you many people calling you for help,
> Steven S Ozdemir

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Received on Tue Jan 20 11:47:54 1998

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