Re: 19K6400

From: Anders Knudsen <>
Date: Thu Jan 22 1998 - 18:29:19 EST

On Thu, 22 Jan 1998, fishd wrote:

> At 11:50 AM 1/22/98 -0700, Anders wrote:
> >I would love to get some photographs of it. Then I can put together a good
> >html version of the manual.
> The pictures in the copy of the manual I have are so bad that they
> looked like black squares, your copy is worse. I'll see about getting
> some pictures of the monitor itself but I'll have to borrow a macro
> lens from my brother, might take a while.

Yea. Taking new Photos would just make a cooler manual. I am not sure you
need a macro lens though. Some of the pictures are close up, but not very

> I still want to try modifying a 6100 into a 6400, the component differences
> are listed in my 6400 write-up, I just don't have a spare 6100 to
> experiment on.

When you say "modyfying", how drastic were you thinking? Since the
operating voltage is different, you would need a new power isolation
transformer. Plus the HV PCB is quite different since it only runs on
I am not convinced that mearly doubling up the deflection transistors
(which was done on the 6400) will improve the monitor. However, increasing
the supply voltage and thus the speed of the monitor could be interesting.

| Anders Knudsen
| ASIC Design Engineer
| Adaptec, Inc., Boulder Technology Center
Received on Thu Jan 22 15:31:20 1998

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