Re: Wells Gardner "display corrector"...

From: Gregg Woodcock <>
Date: Tue Jan 27 1998 - 00:27:52 EST

At 16:12 1/26/98, Clay Cowgill wrote:
>Hi everyone,
>I needed a break from building Sega Multigame boards (yes, the first
>batch should be shipping tomorrow!) this weekend, so I started messing
>with my WG display corrector board again.
>(Ok, so the real story is that I cleaned off my work-bench and *found*
>the WG corrector board after 6 months...)
>For those of you that are new (or don't remember) this is basically just
>a smaller Major Havoc "translator" board that sits on a Star Wars/ESB or
>Major Havoc board and corrects the "bowtie" look on a Wells Gardner
>I'm going to make a run of them (eventually) so I'm doing my usual "who
>wants one" poll.
>I'm trying to decide what to do with the layout. Do any of you have
>MC1495L's in DIP format that you would want to install yourself? The
>actual "kit" part should be pretty cheap-- maybe on the order of $10-15.
>The MC1495's are expensive (like $10-15 each, and you need two) in DIP
>form, but I can get them as surface mount for about $8 each.
>So-- would you prefer:

I'd take 5 of "b"
Received on Mon Jan 26 22:25:44 1998

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