Shipping update: Sega Multigame

From: Clay Cowgill <>
Date: Mon Feb 02 1998 - 13:59:44 EST

Hi all,

I probably won't be shipping any Sega Multigames this week. Tara (my
wife) is the only one at work that knows how to run the FedEx and DHL
shipping systems and she's out of town for a week for a funeral...

Soooo, I'm just going to keep building them up and probably blast a
whole bunch out around the 9th. I've got boards "in-process" for all
the checks I have right now, so if you're waiting to send payment, now
is a good time to do it.

Oh, yeah, in the "justice served" department. This batch of boards will
be built using EPROMs pulled from a "Mortal Kombat II" boardset. *GRIN*
Revenge of the Classics. :-) I should have some little certificates
made to include with the kit... "This Classic Game Upgrade was made
with at least 25% Post-Consumer beat-em-up game content."


Clayton N. Cowgill Engineering Manager
/\ Diamond Multimedia System, Inc.
\/ Communications Division
Received on Mon Feb 2 11:00:58 1998

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