Re: Battlezone Help (game fixed)

From: Eddie Pettit <>
Date: Tue Feb 03 1998 - 22:46:32 EST

>Flip the "test mode" switch on the inside of the coin door (top, but the
>hinge) and see what that says. I'll be you'll see an "M" (or is it an
>"L" or "H"?) to the right of center of the screen-- this says the
>mathbox is having problems...

It has an L.

>Ahhh, sounds like the dreaded "mathbox cold solder joints" problem to
>me. The Battlezone main board and "mathbox" board are joined by a
>kind-of primative ribbon cable. Remove the boards and resolder all the
>pins on the boards that the cable connects to. Should fix the problem,
>if it doesn't you might need to go through and remove/replace the
>socketed chips on the mathbox board.'s fixed....I removed the cable connecting the 2 boards and made sure
all of the wires were still connected. And then reseated the connectors and
'viola' it works!

Thanks for all the game is now working again!

BTW, does anyone know where I can get a manual and schematics? Are there
any posted on the web?


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Eddie Pettit
Richmond VA

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Received on Tue Feb 3 19:47:36 1998

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