Re: I'm still alive...

From: Gregg Woodcock <>
Date: Thu Feb 12 1998 - 23:13:35 EST

At 11:57 2/12/98, Clay Cowgill wrote:
>ESB kits are gone. :-( (I might have over-comitted on one or two...
>*gulp*) After thinking about it and looking at the schematics for Star
>Wars I have an idea for a "version 3.0" spin on the thing. I think I
>can do it with a daughtercard that plugs into the CPU socket (with one
>EPROM like the Sega Multigame) and then a single EPROM for the AVG and a
>single EPROM for the Sound board. MUCH cleaner if I can get it to work
>right, and probably cheaper too. :-)

Clay; I,ve been waiting for my ESB kits for so long that the hype has left
the consumers and the game is no longer particularly desirable to my
location (I missed the gravy train). Therefore you can use mine to fill
the outstanding orders and send me rev 3 kits when they are done.
Received on Thu Feb 12 21:13:11 1998

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