Exorcisor on a chip

From: <jwelser_at_ccwf.cc.utexas.edu>
Date: Sun Feb 22 1998 - 23:06:31 EST

Hey all,

        Well, I finally sucked it up, wired up the Exorcisor PLD
that Al programmed for me (with my code) a few weeks ago, and tried it
out. It actually works! (I'm surprised, because I almost never have
anything work 100% the first time!) LEt me take this time to officially
thank Al for programming it for me and saving me from having to buy a $150
adaptor for my programmer....Anyways...

        Now, given that this project is well on its way to completion (I
have a prototype built on a breadboard) I need to get an interest gauge of
how many people would be interested in getting one of these, and how much
they'd be willing to pay.

        Here are the considerations:

        This thing is just 1 chip (A MACH210 44-pin PLCC package) that
connects up to the 3 DIP cables that plug into the Cine. CPU boards. I
would think that it would make a simple project to wire up (i.e. the
people who are using this to troubleshoot Cine. CPU boards can probably
handle making the board themselves.)

        Of course, I can always do a run of PCBs for it, and whether this
is feasable or not depends on the interest level. The PCB will probably
be small and square, criteria which, I think, would make it relatively
cheap. Any advice from people who've done PCBs (Clay, Anders, etc) would
be good here....

Please let me know...

Received on Sun Feb 22 20:08:02 1998

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