LV2000 Update

From: Anders Knudsen <>
Date: Mon Feb 23 1998 - 10:37:40 EST

Well, the PCBs are finally here! This weekend, Jeff and I put several
together and tested them. They are working great. The boards look great,
except that the silk screen got "cut off" around some of the pads.
Apparently I placed the designators for some of the parts too close to the
holes. Anyhow, this is no big deal. Live and learn, eh?
Jeff's been helping out tremendously by getting the docs all put together.
He has a digital camera with a macro mode that we've been using to take
good pictures so the assembly instructions are very straight forward.
I expect to start shipping the kits by Wednesday this week.

| Anders Knudsen
| ASIC Design Engineer
| Adaptec, Inc., Boulder Technology Center
Received on Mon Feb 23 09:00:18 1998

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