RE: On Topic:: ) Help w/encoder

From: Clay Cowgill <>
Date: Fri Feb 27 1998 - 14:25:58 EST

> I just finished my custom CP for the multi-game a few days ago. Using
> the Tempest spinner & Clay's single player interface worked fine for
> me.
> I does seem a little more sensitive...but I'v never played these games
> before. If you spin it real fast, you do get get a stalling effect,
> like
> you describe.
Trying to remember here... (Used to know this off the top of my head,
but I seem to have forgotten.)

I think that the Tempest spinner has about twice as many clocks per
revolution as the Sega spinner. (And I think a TRON spinner has close
to twice as many as Tempest...) You could use another 74ls74 to divide
the input clocks to the 74ls393 on the spinner board if you wanted to
slow it down.

Received on Fri Feb 27 11:27:38 1998

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