On Thu, 26 Mar 1998 08:18:59 -0800, Clay Cowgill <ClayC@diamondmm.com> wrote:
>Once again, my comment was based on direct observation while using the
>WG6100. I was driving the Sega G-80 hardware with the color guns
>hardwired "on" and jumping to new locations (seeing what the monitor
>would do). So this is just a new X and Y Voltage instantly appearing
>and seeing what the monitor "draws" to get to the new point. No other
>integration hardware involved other than the behavior of the deflection
>amps. I'd suspect it varies from monitor to monitor too...
Sounds like yoke inductance to me. One of the two big differences between the
G-80 and the WG that allows for faster speeds on the G-80 is fewer yoke winds,
hence less inductance. The other was higher supply voltages which allows faster
charging of the yoke inductance. Of course, lower inductance + high voltages =
higher currents = higher fire hazard.
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Received on Thu Mar 26 09:43:15 1998
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