Here's some more info on this star castle.
The game board has lots of jumper wires on it, including a wire on every
eprom. Again, there is no LED on the main PCB. (When did they start putting
those on?) The sound board just says sound board on it, but it looks real
close to what a normal star castle sound board looks like. (I plan on
comparing it side by side when I get a chance).
The control panel has the start buttons in the middle (instead of off to
the left). The panel is black and the buttons are all labeled with white
letters. The marquee looks close to the original, but the artwork is a
little different and it doesn't have all the small print. The marquee has a
90 degree bend that runs horizontally through the middle of it (so the top
half of the marquee angles up and the bottom half angles down)
I can't find any manufacturer name on the outside of the game, and I
haven't looked close enough at the main board to see if I can find a name
on it, but it does look like a standard cinematronics/vectorbeam board (I
was looking through the coin door because I have my garage packed full
I think this game is from texas, did cinematronics have any test sights
down there?
Buy/Sell/Trade classic video arcade games.
Received on Wed Apr 1 14:28:35 1998
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